
Rozita Aghamalyan
Rozita AghamalyanLecturer

Rozita Aghamalyan holds a BA in translation studies from Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences, and an MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from American University of Armenia. She joined AUA in 2012 as a research team member, course coordinator, and general English instructor at AUA Extension program. Currently she teaches Introduction to the Structure of English, Introduction to Language and Culture, and Freshman Seminar. Rozita’s interests also include contrastive analysis, content-based teaching, and environmental education.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2749

Office location: PAB 117W


Hourig Attarian, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Hourig Attarian, Ph.DAssociate Professor

Hourig Attarian has obtained her PhD from the Faculty of Education, McGill University. She is also a core member of the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (COHDS) at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Visual arts-based methodologies are a core facet of her research endeavours. Anchored in the blurred genre of life history and autobiographical inquiry, her work focuses on storying memory and identity through visual and narrative explorations. Her research-creation projects draw together difficult memories and marginalized histories of violence within a framework of public pedagogy.

Hourig teaches courses in education and oral history.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2769

Office location: PAB 132W

Shushan Avagyan
Assistant Professor, Coordinator of CTRA, Director of the AUA Press
Shushan AvagyanAssistant Professor, Coordinator of CTRA, Director of the AUA Press

Shushan Avagyan received her PhD in English Studies from Illinois State University with a specialization in Translation Studies and a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies. She has taught comparative literature courses and translation workshops since 2006. Her articles and translations have appeared in numerous publications, including The Review of Contemporary FictionContemporary Women’s WritingMusic & Literature, and Dissidences: Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism. She is the translator of Energy of Delusion: A Book on PlotBowstring: On the Dissimilarity of the SimilarA Hunt for Optimism and The Hamburg Score by Viktor Shklovsky (Dalkey Archive), Art and Production by Boris Arvatov (Pluto), and I Want To Live: Poems of Shushanik Kurghinian (AIWA). She is the coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Translation Program at AUA.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2736

Office location: PAB 129W

Tatevik Avetisyan
Adjunct Lecturer
Tatevik AvetisyanAdjunct Lecturer

Tatevik Avetisyan has been an adjunct lecturer at the American University of Armenia since 2016 teaching PR and Discourse Analysis courses.

Tatevik Avetisyan brings insights from her expertise in providing strategic communication consultancy to local and international businesses, international organizations, diplomatic missions, and academic settings. For over 14 years she has been practicing PR and communications with corporate and humanitarian organizations in Armenia and internationally.

Tatevik Avetisyan has been leading the PR Unit and projects at Deem Communications since 2011. Together with DEEM, AUA and IREX she initiated the first ever PR Summit in Armenia, a professional event that hosts local and international experts since 2014. Currently, she is also a communication and training expert in “Support to EU Communication on Reforms in Armenia II” project.

She enjoys sharing, teaching, mentoring, traveling and connecting ideas and people to reveal their full potential.

Tatevik Avetisyan holds an MA degree with the focus on Public Relations from Ball State University, Indiana, U.S. Her undergraduate specialty is in English, Spanish and teaching from Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov.



  • 2009-2011, MA, Ball State University, IN, U.S. (Muskie Fellow)
  • 1998-2000, 5-year Diploma with Honor (English & Spanish, Teacher), Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov
  • 2001-2002, Non-degree exchange program, Education/methodology (FSA-Ugrad), University of Wyoming, WY, U.S.

Courses taught:

  • EC232 – Public Relations
  • EC200 – Introduction to Discourse Analysis


  • “PR: Environmental Factors”: Emporium PR/Marketing Magazine, March 2013
  • “Blindness – Not an Obstacle to Success”: www.a1plus.am, November 10, 2007: (The article was written in the framework of “South Caucasus – A Part of Europe” workshop, Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Armenia).
  • “What Do You Know about Arine?”: the Sevan newspaper, issue # 14, December 6, 2004.
  • “World Mental Health Day in Gavar”: the Geghama Ashkhar newspaper, issue # 13, November 4, 2004.

Research database IDs:


  • Winner of Ball State University Department of Journalism Louie Award (2010)


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2581

Office location: 607MB

Office hours: may change – Fall T TH 10:00-12:00; Spring MWF 10:30 -12:30 or T TH 10:00- 12:00

Viken Berberian
Senior Lecturer
Viken BerberianSenior Lecturer

Viken Berberian received his Msc from the London School of Economics and Msc from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. He teaches persuasive writing, expository writing, business journalism, creative nonfiction, and the graphic novel: comics as literature. His work has appeared in the New York Times, The Nation, the Financial TimesBomb, Granta, Foreign Affairs, Le Monde DiplomatiqueInculte (Editions Inculte, France) and the New York Review of Books. He is the author of the novels, The Cyclist (Simon & Schuster, 2002), and Das Kapital: a novel of love & money markets (Simon & Schuster, 2007), and with Yann Kebbi, of the graphic novel, The Structure is Rotten, Comrade (Fantagraphics, 2019; Actes Sud, France, 2017; Edition Moderne, Switzerland, 2020, in German).


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 25 22

Office location: PAB 118W

Website: http://vikenberberian.com/

Amy Christmas
Associate Professor
Amy ChristmasAssociate Professor

Amy Christmas gained her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from the University of Leeds in the UK. Since 2014, she has held positions in Literature programs in China, Qatar, and now Armenia, where she has taught courses in literature studies, writing and creative practice. She has also held visiting lecturer positions in Ireland, Poland, and Austria. Her academic research has explored the intersection of narrative and technologically-mediated identities, with a particular focus on the construction of self in surveillance environments. She also writes poetry, is a 2022 finalist for the Poetry International Prize, and is preparing for the release of her first full-length collection in early 2023.

Higher education

  • 2014, PhD Literature, University of Leeds
  • 2008, BA (Hons) English Literature, University of Leeds

Courses taught:

  • EC121 English Literature Survey
  • Ec247 Creative Writing: Poetry


  • Redactions, forthcoming January 2023, Stairwell Books.
  • “Quantities over Qualities: Metric and Narrative Identities in Dataveillant Art Practice”, in Screen Bodies, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Winter 2022.
  • “Ephialtes”, in Fauxmoir, July 2022.
  • “Sea Serpent”, in The Closed Eye Open, June 2022.
  • “A Better Sort of Princess”; “Changeling”; “Foil”, in Assisi, December 2021.
  • Steel-Tipped Snowflakes (with Becca Miles and Izzy Jones), September 2020, Stairwell Books. [One poem from this collection nominated for a Pushcart Prize].
  • “Shearling”, in 805Lit, March 2019. [Nominated for Best of the Net and Best Small Fiction Awards 2020].
  • “Dis/connection Across the Digital Divide: Self(ish) Narratives in LOL and Catfish”, in New Cinemas, Vol. 13, Issue 2, Fall 2017.
  • “Equality and Erasure: Responses to Subject Negation in the Art of Jill Magid”, in Spaces of Surveillance (eds. Susan Flynn and Antonia Mackay), Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2582

Office location: PAB 137W

Office hours: MTWThF 9:30-10:30

Liliana Edilyan
Liliana EdilyanLecturer

Liliana Edilyan graduated from the Yerevan State Teacher Training Institute of Russian and Foreign Languages (named after V. Brusov), Department of English and Second/Foreign Languages. She continued her studies in Moscow taking “A Two-year Advanced Professional Degree Training” at Morris Torrez Institute of Foreign Languages. Upon completion she was conferred the title of “Senior Lecturer” and worked at Yerevan State University in the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages. She received her MA in TEFL in 2005. She has presented at international conferences and published in professional journals.

She has been working at AUA since 1994. She is the author of an ESP book for students of theology and co-author and editor of the manual “A Practical Course in Written English” (a textbook on the writing course for the students of Romance and Germanic Languages).

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2736

Office location: PAB 129@

Christian Garbis
Christian GarbisLecturer

Christian Garbis earned his Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Lesley University. He teachers Expository Writing, Persuasive Writing, Writing For Media, and Technical Writing. His news articles, commentaries, and essays have appeared in Hetq Online, The Armenian Weekly, and Roads and Kingdoms. Christian is the author of two acclaimed blogs, Notes From Hairenik and Footprints Armenia, on which he discusses social and political issues and conveys intimate descriptions of daily life in Armenia. A third blog, The Great Garbanzo, details his culinary adventures. Apart from his prose writing, he has also written a novel, a screenplay, and numerous short stories, and he has made several short experimental films. Christian was born and raised in Greater Boston but now resides in Yerevan, Armenia. He is the father of two beaming young sons.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2681

Office location: PAB 134W

Eric Grigorian
Adjunct Lecturer
Eric GrigorianAdjunct Lecturer

Eric Grigorian is a photojournalist with almost two decades of experience documenting everything from conflict zones to politics to celebrities to natural disasters. His clients have included Time, Newsweek, NY Times, Boston Globe and numerous other magazines and newspapers in the U.S. and abroad. Eric was the recipient of the World Press Photo award in 2003.

After a long period of living and working in Los Angeles, Eric moved to Yerevan in 2013 where he also dedicates part of his time teaching visual storytelling and photography. He currently teaches Introduction to Photography at AUA.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2749

Office location: PAB 117W

Mica Hilson, Ph.D
Associate Professor; Program Chair
Mica Hilson, Ph.DAssociate Professor; Program Chair

Mica Hilson earned his MA in English and a BA in Mathematics from Emory University at age 18, then went on to earn his PhD in English from Indiana University. At AUA, he teaches the first-year course in Communications and the fourth-year Research Methods and Capstone courses, along with classes in American Literature and Discourse Analysis. His research on modern and contemporary literature, culture, and critical theory has appeared in a variety of scholarly journals, including The ComparatistDoris Lessing Studies, and The Harold Pinter Review, as well as numerous essay collections, ranging from Security and Hospitality in Literature and Culture to The Ethics and Rhetoric of Invasion Ecology

Higher education

  • 2010, PhD in English, Indiana University
  • 1998, MA in English, Emory University
  • 1998, BA in Mathematics, Emory University

Courses taught:

  • EC 104 – Introduction to Communications
  • EC 120 – American Literature
  • EC 121 – English Literature
  • EC 200 – Discourse Analysis
  • EC 290 – Research Methods
  • EC 299 – Capstone


  • “The Cost of Whimsy in Mood Indigo and The Grand Budapest Hotel” in Re:Focus: The Works of Michel Gondry, eds. Jennifer Kirby and Marcelline Block. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP (forthcoming in early 2020).
  • “Desire and Risk Management in Contagion Fiction” in Bodies of Contagion, eds. S.A. Polak, et al. Cardiff: U of Wales Press (forthcoming in early 2020).
  • “Slipping Queer Under the Radar” in Curricular Innovations: LGBTQ Literatures and the New English Studies, eds. William P. Banks and John Pruitt. New York: Peter Lang (2019).
  • “Reimagining the Family Tree: Property, Biopolitics, and Queer Kinship in David Malouf’s Remembering Babylon and Patrick White’s Riders in the Chariot.” Pacific Coast Philology 53.2 (2018).
  • “’Rubbish of All Kinds’: Domesticity, Squalor, and Squatting in Doris Lessing’s Fiction.” Doris Lessing Studies 36.1 (2018).
  • “The Little Revolution That Could: What can the world learn from Armenia’s successful uprising against a would-be strongman?” Slate 10 May 2018.
  • “Bath-Time and Cruising Time: Temporality, Tension, and Release in Pinter.” Harold Pinter Review 1 (2017): 50-65.
  • “The Forces of Habit and the Ethics of Self-Composture.” The Comparatist 40 (2016): 128-43.
  • “Rooting for the Unrooted: Invasive Species and Uncanny Ecosystems in Peter Carey’s ‘Exotic Pleasures’” in The Ethics and Rhetoric of Invasion Ecology, eds. James Stanescu and Kevin Cummings. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016. 141-58.
  • “A Dwarf at the Table: Hospitality and the Non-Normate Body in Modern Literature” in Security and Hospitality in Literature and Culture, eds. Jeffrey Clapp and Emily Ridge. London: Routledge, 2015.
  • “‘The odd man out in the family?’ Queer Throwbacks and Reproductive Futurism in The Fifth Child” Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism Yearbook 2013, Vol. 370, ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau. Farmington Hills: Cengage/Gale, 2015.
  • “A Doctor for Who(m)?: Queer Temporalities and the Sexualized Child.” Co-written with Adrianne Wadewitz. Bookbird. 2014.
  • “Sharing Economies and Value Systems on the Nifty Archive” in The Feminist and Queer Information Studies Reader, eds. Rebecca Dean and Patrick Keilty. Los Angeles: Litwin, 2013.
  • “‘The odd man out in the family?’ Queer Throwbacks and Reproductive Futurism in The Fifth Child” in Doris Lessing Studies 30.1 (2011): 18-22.
  • “The ‘Problem’ of William Styron in The Confessions of Nat Turner” in Literary Griot: International Journal of Black Expressive Cultural Studies 14.1-2 (2002): 103-23.


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 26 71

Office location: PAB 120W

Office hours: 1:00-2:30 MWF

Elitza Kotzeva, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Elitza Kotzeva, Ph.DAssistant Professor

Elitza Kotzeva has a PhD in English Studies with a focus on Rhetoric from Washington State University. She holds a Certificate in Applied Literary Translation from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and graduate degrees in Slavic Languages (Czech, Slovak, and Bulgarian), Local Development, and English Literature from universities in Bulgaria, Italy, and the United States. Her research explores the intersections of material rhetorics, performance studies, feminist geography, and rhetorical ethnography. Elitza’s publications appear in journals dedicated to the study of material culture and rhetoric. She has published translations in The Review of Contemporary Fiction, Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation, and Apofenie.


Higher education:

  • 2019, PhD in English, Washington State University
  • 2015, Certificate in Applied Literary Translation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • 2012, MA in English, Appalachian State University
  • 2004, МА in Local Development, University of Trento and University of Bolzano, Italy
  • 2002, MA in Slavic Studies: Czech, Slovak, and Bulgarian, Sofia University, Bulgaria

Courses taught:

  • EC 121 English Literature Survey
  • EC 120 American Literature Survey
  • EC 213 Digital Literacy and Multimodal Composition
  • EC 223 Shakespeare
  • EC 290 Research Methods
  • EC 299 Capstone Research
  • CTRA 381 History and Theories of Translation (graduate class)



Peer-Reviewed Articles

Book Chapters

Other Publications

  • Collaboration with Garabet Kazanjian & Lilit Khachatryan, “From Sacred to Sacrilegious: Armenian Human-Water Relations.” Media Seascape and the Criminal Imaginary. In Media Res, November, 2021.
  • “From Concerto for Sentence by Emiliya Dvoryanova, translated by Elitza Kotzeva.” Review of Contemporary Fiction, 33 (1):  46-51. Dalkey Archive Press, 2013.
  • “Czech Short Fiction.” Critical Survey of Short Fiction. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2012

Literary Translations

  • Poetry by poets of the Bulgarian circle New Social Poetry. Apofenie. Volume 7: Justice. June 2019.
  • Excerpt from Invisibleby Nataliya Deleva. Exchanges: Journal of Literary TranslationFall 2018 Issue. The University of Iowa.
  • Concerto for Sentence by Emiliya Dvoryanova. Urbana-Champaign: Dalkey Archive Press, 2016. (Bulgarian to English)
  • “From Concerto for Sentence by Emiliya Dvoryanova, translated by Elitza Kotzeva.” Review of Contemporary Fiction, 33 (1): 46-51. Dalkey Archive Press, 2013.
  • Born under a Lucky Star by Ilona Lacková. Centre de Recherches Tsiganes, Université “René Descartes”, Paris, France. Sofia: Litavra Publishing, 2000. (Czech to Bulgarian)

Work in Progress

  • Kotzeva, E. “‘Thou Shalt Not Kill,’ or Affect and Ethics in a Spectacle of Distant Suffering: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War Documentaries.” Special Issue: Images of War. Studies of Eastern European Cinema. Forthcoming in Spring 2024. Article submitted, under review.
  • Kotzeva, E. “Face-Shaping Power of the Postfeminist Male Gaze, or Digital Lateral Surveillance in Armenia.” Cluster Conversation: Talking Back through Rhetorical Surveillance Studies. Peitho. Forthcoming in Spring 2024. Article accepted.
  • “Stuck Between Traditional, Soviet, and post-Soviet Rhetoric: Armenian Left-behind Rural Women Negotiating Gender Roles.” Article.




E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 26 72

Office location: PAB 131W

Office hours: M/W 15:30—16:30 or schedule an appointment at https://elitza.youcanbook.me/

Website: www.elitzakotzeva.com

Ruben Malayan
Adjunct Lecturer
Ruben MalayanAdjunct Lecturer

Ruben Malayan is an an award-winning art director and visual artist. His career in graphic design spans over twenty years – crossing over into the fields of visual identity design, typography and calligraphy. Over the years he has lectured and taught workshops of calligraphy in the United States, Canada, Russia, Poland, Romania and Armenia. Ruben’s work has been published in a number of books and magazines in Israel, Armenia, US, Netherlands and France. He exhibits art locally and abroad.


  • May 1993, MA, Graphics, Yerevan State Institute of Fine Arts
  • May 1990 BA, Painting, Yerevan State Art College

Courses taught:

  • EC 269 – Visual Communication


  • Armenian section of  ‘The World Encyclopedia of Calligraphy’ Sterling Publishing, NYC 2011


  • 2015 Best Digital Entry at Centennial Art Contest of LA City Council
  • 1999 UNDP Armenia Internet Project and Sard 99 Armenian Website Prize Jury. Title of winner in the category “Armenian FREENET Choice”- for good design by means of computer technologies and wonderful art






E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2581

Office location: 607MB

Office hours: 11:00-12:00AM (Wednesday & Friday)

Nshan H. Matevosyan
Nshan H. MatevosyanLecturer

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nshan-h-matevosyan-esq-bb357540/

Nshan Matevosyan has earned his Bachelor’s degree in Philology from Interlingua Linguistic University with a specialization in Translation and Interpretation, his Master’s degree in Laws (LL.M.) from the American University of Armenia, as well as his Certificate of Completion from the School of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia with a specialization in Civil and Administrative Law.

Mr. Matevosyan has been teaching and conducting training series in negotiation since 2013 for various stakeholders, including but not limited to OSCE Yerevan office, UN House Armenia, RA Community Police, various Armenian banks, American University of Armenia, Armenian Chamber of Advocates and others. He is licensed to practice law in Armenia and is a member of the Armenian Chamber of Advocates.

Higher Education

September 2016, Certificate of Completion, School of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia
June 2013, Master of Laws (LL.M.), American University of Armenia
June 2010, Bachelor of Philology: Translator, Interpreter, Interlingua Linguistic University

Courses taught:

  • Negotiation
  • Master’s Paper


  • January 2018, Certificate of Appreciation by the World Bank Group for Contribution to Doing Business 2018: Reforming to Create Jobs
  • December 2016, Certificate on Interactive Teaching Methodologies for Law School Professors by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
  • May 2016, Certificate of Appreciation by the Master of Laws Program Chair of the American University of Armenia
  • July 2013, Certificate on International Humanitarian Law by International Commission of Red Cross and American University of Armenia

[email protected]

(+374 60) 61-27-55

Office Location:
109W (PAB)

Office hours:
Monday – Friday from 1 PM to 6 PM (by appointment)

Website: http://advocates.am/en/advocates/view/2188.html

Maria Titizian
Maria TitizianLecturer

A writer and journalist, Maria has over a decade of experience reporting the news from Armenia and the region. She is the Founding Editor of EVN Report, an English-language news magazine. She was Associate Editor of the Armenian Reporter, Managing Editor at CivilNet, and a regular contributor to a number of Diaspora publications. She teaches Media & Society, Introduction to Journalism, and Research Methods.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2745

Office location: PAB 131W

Garine Torossian
Adjunct Lecturer
Garine TorossianAdjunct Lecturer

Gariné Torossian is a filmmaker and visual artist. Retrospectives of her work have been shown at the MoMa, Centre Pompidou, Film Forum, and the Berlinale. Her work has garnered a number of awards, including best documentary at the Warsaw international film festival and best short at the Berlinale. Her work has been broadcast on Arte France and the Sundance Channel. She is a recipient of a DAAD (Berliner Künstlerprogramm) filmmaker fellowship in Berlin.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2522

Office location: PAB 118W

Rafik Santrosyan, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Rafik Santrosyan, Ph.DAssistant Professor

Rafik Santrosyan received his PhD in Germanic Linguistics from Yerevan State Linguistic University in 2015. He has served as a lecturer at Yerevan State Linguistic University, American University of Armenia, and as a visiting professor at the Sanford School of Public Policy, University of Duke, USA, and a post-doctoral fellow at City College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Greece. He worked as a research fellow at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland; Center for Women’s and Gender Studies of the University of Paris 8, France; and at the University of Padova, Italy. Santrosyan’s teaching and research interests lie in the fields of gender linguistics, multimodal semiotics, and simultaneous interpreting. His current research examines the interconnectedness of grammatical gender and language-mediated cultural discriminatory practices.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2671

Office location: PAB 136W

Michael Smith, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Michael Smith, Ph.DAssociate Professor

Michael T. Smith is an Associate Professor in English and Communication. He received his Phd from Purdue University, West Lafayette in 2014. He was a founding member of the transdisciplinary studies program at Purdue. Following this position, he worked in Saudi Arabia before coming to AUA. His primary research interests include transdisciplinarity, literary studies, and film.

Higher education

  • May 2014, PhD, Purdue University
  • May 2009, MA, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • May 2005, BS, University of Illinois at U-C

Courses taught:

  • EC 104: Introduction to Composition
  • EC 290 Research Methods


  • “Disability on Film: An Exploration of Film Codes’ Obstructiveness in City Lights and Children of a Lesser God.” Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. Forthcoming 2021.
  • “The Animal in Pope’s Essay on Man.” Trace: Journal for Human-Animal Studies 7 (2021).
  • “Not Privy to The Conversation: Harry Caul as a Peripheral Character in Coppola’s Film.” Cineaction. (May 2020).
  • “A Stationary Stroll through Hong Kong: An Exploration of the Flâneur in a Groundless City. Yonsei Journal 11.2 (Winter 2019).
  • “Kyu: A Semantic Analysis of Kin-Dza-Dza!” Quarterly Review of Film and Video 8 (2017): 765-774.
  • Smith, Michael. Evans, Jeff. “Storytelling as Transdisciplinarity: An Experiment in First-Year Composition and Communication” (Chapter) Educational Technology and Narrative: Story and Instructional Design. Eds. Brad Hokanson, et al. Springer: 103-113.
  • Evans, Jeffrey; Seipel, Justin; Smith, Michael. “Our Journey into Learning Innovation and Competency-Based Education.”
    -Polytechnic Institute Summit 2017. Conference Proceedings (June 2017) Online.
  • Exeter, Marisa; Gray, Colin; Smith, Michael. “Integrating Liberal Education Perspectives in a Transdisciplinary Design Studio.” Polytechnic Institute Summit 2017. Conference Proceedings (June 2017) Online.
  • “The Dedalus Complex: A Lacanian Analysis of James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics 16 (2016): 251-269.
  • “The Postmodernism of Postmodernism: It’s a ‘Funny’ Story.” Philologist: Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies 7.13 (2016): 455-66.
  • “Stanley Kubrick’s Wet Dream: A Reading of Bodily Fluids in Dr. Strangelove.” Cinematic Codes Review 1.1 (Spring 2016): 91-109.
  • “You Know My Name (Look up the Number): The Structural Significance of Plato’s Lambda Formula in John Donne’s ‘A Litany.’” Renascence LXVI.4 (Fall 2014): 235-254.
  • “Silence in Frederick Wiseman’s Documentaries.” Studies in Documentary Film 7.1 (2013): 31-44. ISSN: 17503280; Online ISSN: 17503299
  • “A Theoretical Analysis of the Phonology of Classic Rock Lyrics” SONUS 33.2 (Spring 2013): 21-30. FEIN #222533919
  • “Notes on Buster Keaton” Kinema: A Journal for Film and Audiovisual Media 38 (Fall 2012): 91-102.
  • “A Manifesto on Bad Films” Bright Lights Film Journal 78 (November 2012). Online.


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2673

Office location: PAB 135W

Office hours: MW 1:30-4:00, Tu-Th 3:00-4:00

Mimi Zarookian
Adjunct Lecturer
Mimi ZarookianAdjunct Lecturer

Mimi Zarookian is a career educator of 35+ years holding a BA & MA in English Literature from California State University Northridge, a Clear Life Teaching Credential from the State of California, and a Bilingual Certificate of Competency from the University of La Verne. She has worked with school districts in the greater Los Angeles area in instructional and administrative capacities. She moved to Armenia in 2014 and joined AUA’s faculty teaching in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the MA TEFL Program. Mimi proudly serves on the Armenian Educational Foundation Scholarship Committee and is responsible for their annual publication. She is also a board member of Orran NGO. Mimi’s passion for education has made each day of her career a joyful journey.

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +37460 61 2581

Office location: PAB 607MB